December 28, 2013

Sweet Serenity

Life, with all your uncertainties, how terrifying you are
Your pain often overshadows the joys
Always reminding us of our vunerable states
Laughing at us as we fall apart and must rebuild

But you O sweet serenity of death
Always so welcoming to embrace
As I cry out in pain and my fears overwhelm
It's your sweet voice that comforts
Reminding me of our fleeting shared moments
And the calm that you are

I'll never forget the strength you've provided
The sweetest peace I've ever experienced
As one day I'll join your side, never to part again

November 20, 2013

Haunted and Scarred

You entered my life in a gust of bravo with your eye on the prize
Chaos and pain in the guise of care and concern
Only to be revealed when I was at my weakest
Then you won what you had sought

A cycle of despair and hope intertwined
This time will be different, this was the last
You had me by the throat
All I could do was grin and not let on

You come in so many forms
Each time altering but always the same
To break me down for your control
Hurt and confused you continued to win

To break free of your grasp was my prize
You still haunt me, in your many forms
Although stronger now
I remain haunted, scarred of the memories

July 9, 2013


To call me back again, to force me back
Is against my will, against my soul
You long to hurt me, to bend me to your way

You surround me, smother me
If only for a moment
I gasp for air, claw for release
To be free of you, O calamity of mine

You may break me in a thousand pieces
I will not succumb to your ways, to your manipulations
I will not, no, I will not

My spirit will not remain caged
I will break forth with new found hope
As I am called into the light
Basked in it's wondrous glory that is all
I will know I am free, I am free